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Lead agency     : MoHP

Co-lead agency: WHO

Agency Focal Person Email
MoHP Dr Samir Kumar Adhikari

[email protected]

[email protected]

MoHP Dr. Gunaraj Lohani [email protected]
MoHP Dr, Jageshwor Gautam [email protected]
WHO Dr. Saira Khan [email protected]
WHO Mr. Damodar Adhikari [email protected]

The main health hazards during the monsoon season are water-borne and vector-borne diseases such as diarrhea, dengue and malaria, as well as gastro-intestinal, eye and skin infections, response to all of which is complicated by limitation of access to primary care and public health services in affected areas. Mitigating WaSH and integrated vector control interventions as well as continuous awareness are key to prevent and reduce the impact of the key diseases with expected seasonal increase in incidence.

The current disruption of health services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal, will also be exacerbated by the monsoon season. Health services in affected areas are already stretched and access to medical supplies has been affected by the disruptions to global and national supply chains.