Reports and Analysis

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Earthquake Contingency Plan Nepal, 2022

Nepal is a high-risk country for natural hazards including earthquakes, floods, landslides, fires and drought. The hazards with the greatest humanitarian impact are earthquakes and floods. Nepal is categorized into three geographical and ecological zones: Terai, hill and mountain areas. The middle hills and higher mountains are highly
susceptible to secondary earthquake effects, such as landslides, which can be exacerbated by excessive erosion of hill slopes and rock falls as well as heavy rainfall.

EVIDENCE TO ACTION Addressing Violence Against LGBTIQ+ People in Nepal

Strong advocacy by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people (LGBTIQ+) in Nepal have led to significant achievements. This progress is evident in Nepal’s Constitution of 2015, which for the first time recognized and protected the rights of LGBTIQ+ people. Despite these gains, stigma, discrimination and violence against LGBTIQ+ people remains pervasive in Nepal, as it does globally.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Checklist on Multipurpose Community Centre (MPCC)

The Women Friendly Disaster Management (WFDM) Group, together with UN Women, has supported the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in implementing the Project, ‘People to People Support for Building Community Resilience through Recovery and Reconstruction in Nepal’. Along this line, the GESI Checklist for the Multipurpose Community Centre (MPCC) was developed with technical assistance from WFDM and UN Women, through a series of consultations with municipality-level stakeholders in seven municipalities of Province 3. 

Community Perception Report Flood, Landslide And Heavy Rain January 2022

In early 2021 Nepal was selected as a pilot country for OCHA’s Central Emergency Response Fund’s anticipatory action project. Anticipatory action is an attempt to design response intervention and act to execute them in advance of a predictable natural hazard, with an aim to mitigate the risk faced by exposed communities and prevent the loss of lives and livelihoods. By acting prior to an imminent disaster based on predictive models, humanitarian action becomes more effective, efficient and dignified.

आत्मीय सम्बन्धमा हुने दुर्व्यवहारका संकेतहरु के-के हुनसक्छन् ?

महिला विरुद्ध हिंसा मानवअधिकारको उल्लङ्घन हो। विश्वव्यापी रुपमा हरेक तीन जना महिलामा एक जनाले शारीरिक वा यौनजन्य हिंसाको सामना गर्छन् र त्यो अधिकांश उनी नजिककै व्यक्तिबाट हुने गर्दछ । घरेलु हिंसा र  दुर्व्यवहार भएको कुरा कहिलेकाहीँ बाहिर नदेखिए पनि दुर्व्यवहारजन्य सम्बन्धका संकेतहरुबारे हामीलाई जानकारी छ भने हामीले त्यसलाई चिन्नसक्छौं र सहयोग लिन वा दिन सक्छौं ।

Nepal’s Gender-Based Violence and Gender Equality-Related Funds: The Path to Effective Implementation

The study on the Operational Modality of Various Funds within Federal Governance assesses the status of 12 funds with mandates to respond to GBV and advance GE in Nepal. Funds related to GBV and GE are a central component of the GoN’s effort to advance women’s human rights and equality under law. The study reveals a serious gap between the rights and entitlements that are formally guaranteed to women under law in Nepal, and their ability to experience benefits from these funds.