WFP’s ultimate goal in Nepal is to break the cycle of poverty and hunger. During Nepal’s post-conflict transition, WFP’s focus is to:
- prevent acute hunger and meet emergency food and nutrition needs,
- empower hundreds of thousands of families through food- and cash-for-work to build assets that will improve long-term food security,
- support the government and partners to develop and implement effective food security and nutrition strategies.
Geographical Presence:
WFP maintains a deep field presence with activities in 32 districts in Nepal. WFP maintains three field offices: Damak which covers the Bhutanese refugee camps in Jhapa and Morang districts, Nepalgunj which covers projects in Mid-Western Nepal as well as provides critical support to our air operations based in Surkhet, and Dadeldhura which covers our projects in Far-Western Nepal. Click here for WFP Program District for 2010