In March 2007, to complement the Nepal Peace Trust Fund (NPTF), the United Nations Peace Fund for Nepal (UNPFN) was created to mobilize resources to the UN system in Nepal in support of activities of clear, short-term relevance to the peace process. Key features of the UNPFN include: Delivering focused, time-limited support for urgent peace process and early recovery tasks; Complementing the NPTF and other existing mechanisms by focusing only on tasks that cannot be funded or implemented through existing Government mechanisms; Ensuring governance arrangements are the same as the Nepal Peace Trust Fund to promote a harmonized and coherent approach; Providing rapid and flexible responses to requests whilst ensuring a strategic UN approach that is sensitive to the unique needs of Nepal’s transitional environment; and Enhancing UN and donor coordination and alignment to ensure more coherent international support to Nepal. The UNPFN officially closed in December 2016. Key lessons learned were documented in the area of monitoring and evaluation, conflict sensitivity and gender equality and social inclusion. The project end evaluation reports, mid-term assessments, and annual progress reports were reviewed as references to the experiences, successes and challenges faced by these projects.
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